Aiden James Birth Story {West Penn Delivery Pittsburgh Birth Photographers}

~I arrived at West Penn after Jill was induced and walked in to a tired but cheerful room preparing for an epidural. Even though the epidural needed tweaked multiple times before it kicked in, Jill was lively and fun and so excited to meet her newest family member.

~After a couple hours of laughing and talking about how we grew up (CCD anyone?), one of her doctors walked in and exclaimed, “Success!” too which Jill and I both looked at each other like, “WAIT? time to push?” “How did she know without even checking?” Really, the doctor was just talking about a working epidural. However, a quick check proved that there really was success and it was go time! Right when Jill decided maybe she should nap, haha.

~The family had a bet on the time, with Jill’s time only mere minutes away she got to work; a handful of pushes and baby Aiden entered the world! (and mom won the bet of course!) Grandparents and big brother were out in the waiting room and were all very happy to meet Aiden!


**If you are planning to deliver at West Penn and are afraid of their “no picture policy,” please talk to your doctor! I was allowed to click away the whole time as long as I was up by mom’s head. It was a great experience and hopefully a policy that West Penn will continue to be more lenient on.

west penn hospital birth photographywest penn hospital birth photographywest penn hospital birth photographywest penn hospital birth photographywest penn hospital birth photography

Ashley is a premier photographer serving the greater Pittsburgh PA area.

Specializing in birth documenting, newborn portraits, and children portraits.

Featured in Huffington Post, Self Magazine, and People.

