~Baby A was due in Nov but decided instead to make her arrival on the best day of the year; Oct 22nd. Also known as my birthday and now passed to her! I’m giving our birth day all the credit for how easy her mom made her natural delivery look.
~Labor progressed nice, quickly, and calmly. Dad took a little power nap, and before we knew it, it was time to push! Amy Farr, a fantastic doula I’ve had the privilege to work with before, was there to support mom throughout the whole labor and after to help with nursing and staying comfortable.
~One of my favorite moments of the birth (and I believe Amy will agree) was when the doctor starts playing with the placenta and showing us exactly how the sac is, where the placenta is attached, and how the baby fits right into the little egg sac. I included a nice pic below for your viewing pleasure
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