Keeva’s Birth Story {Pittsburgh Delivery Magee Hospital Birth Photographer}

~Keeva waited for her dad to return home from a very long day of work to start making her grand debut. What started out as small contractions quickly turned into broken water and a quick trip Magee Hospital. Why is this memorable for me? Well, the text messages from Lindsey during this time MADE my night. Not to mention the sleeping pictures of dad, Beau…

~Beau was such a strong reassuring support for Lindsey. He took great loving care while Lindsey labored; always rubbing her back or kissing her head to let her know how great she was doing. And great she did!

~During this whole time they kept the baby name a secret. It wasn’t until Keeva was out for a good long time that I finally asked, “Can I know the name yet?!?” And they laughed and said with joy and pride, “Her name is Keeva.” And this little thing that I watched come in to the world, quickly became a little girl, with a name, who is loved beyond measure.

baby delivery photography pittsburgh mageebaby delivery photography pittsburgh mageebaby delivery photography pittsburgh magee

Ashley is a premier photographer serving the greater Pittsburgh PA area.

Specializing in birth documenting, newborn portraits, and children portraits.

Featured in Huffington Post, Self Magazine, and People.

