Baylor’s Six Months!- Child Photographer North Pittsburgh

I can’t believe how much Baylor has grown in six months! I did his newborn portraits and he came back to visit for his six month portraits this week. Seriously, he is so adorable and smiley, and knew that he had our full attention… until the older brothers came! We went outside to try to capture some brother and family shots; Baylor couldn’t stop staring at his older twin brothers, just taking it all in. Thankfully with fruit snack bribes I pulled off a couple shots and called it a night!

child photography near pittsburgh

Little Ham.

child photography near pittsburghchild photography near pittsburghchild photography near pittsburgh

brothers pittsburgh photography

Hahaha, that face!

Twin boys pittsburgh photographer

Posing for some fruit snacks!

Ashley is a premier photographer serving the greater Pittsburgh PA area.

Specializing in birth documenting, newborn portraits, and children portraits.

Featured in Huffington Post, Self Magazine, and People.

