Happy six months, Nora! {Glenshaw Baby Photographer Pittsburgh}

Here is our sweet and inquisitive Nora! She is one of the little babies that my mom babysits, so we get to love on her a lot (even when she yells at us for doing it). I can’t wait to continue to watch her grow and blossom into a little crawler that my girls get to chase around.

baby photographer pittsburgh six monthsbaby photographer pittsburgh six monthsbaby photographer pittsburgh six monthsbaby photographer pittsburgh six monthsbaby photographer pittsburgh six monthsbaby photographer pittsburgh six monthsbaby photographer pittsburgh six monthsbaby photographer pittsburgh six months

Ashley is a premier photographer serving the greater Pittsburgh PA area.

Specializing in birth documenting, newborn portraits, and children portraits.

Featured in Huffington Post, Self Magazine, and People.


