It’s a Merry Christmas! Children Photographer Pittsburgh

I’m sure you’re going to be seeing a lot of this beautiful face; she’s been gracing my site more than my own girls recently! This is my niece, Finley, and she celebrated her six months this past week. So we did a little Christmas and half birthday shoot. And then we had to try to get some with her big sister Granola. It’s always fun for me to try to get some portraits of kids and their pet brother(s) or sister(s); especially when neither one really knows whats going on! Happy six months Fin, we love you!!

pittsburgh six month portraitspittsburgh six month portraitspittsburgh six month portraitspittsburgh six month portraitspittsburgh six month christmas portraitspittsburgh six month portraits

Ashley is a premier photographer serving the greater Pittsburgh PA area.

Specializing in birth documenting, newborn portraits, and children portraits.

Featured in Huffington Post, Self Magazine, and People.

